About Us

4Teachers.org works to help you integrate technology into your classroom by offering online tools and resources. This site helps teachers locate online resources such as ready-to-use Web lessons, quizzes, rubrics and classroom calendars. There are also tools for student use. Discover valuable professional development resources addressing issues such as equity, ELL, technology planning, and at-risk or special-needs students.

4Teachers is committed to empowering learners of all ages through innovative technologies. We focus on instructional Web-based resources, professional development, program support, scaleable online assessment, and assistance for special needs. We will continue to redefine the learning experience through innovative resources.


Prof. Development for Educators
Engaging onsite and online professional development.
Prof. Development for Educators

Team Knowledge Management
Evaluate your team's inherent talents, so you can more efficently organize and distribute resources.
ProfilerPRO: Knowledge Management

Online Educational Games
Educational games offer a powerful way to learn basic skills.
Arcademic Skill Builders